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Thursday 16 May 2013


                                       Bismackia In Landscape

                                                         Bismarkia Plant

Introducing Bismarckia nobilis

(Bismarckia(Architectural plants)
Bismarckia nobilis:- is a monotypic  genus of large, dioecious, palmate-leaved palm  endemic to northern and western Madagascar. The genus name was given in honour of the 19th century German Chancellor, Prince Otto E.L. von Bismark-SchnÖhausen.
It grows in open grasslands and plateau. The trunk is grey to tan or brown colored and slightly swollen at its base which is usually 12 to 18 inches in diameter. Cultivated specimens grow to 12 to 18 inches in diameter. The leaves are round to oblong shaped, 10ft in diameter and the crown is 25ft tall and 20 feet wide. The leaves are to 10m in diameter, nearly round and divided to one-third the width of the blade into 20 or more stiff, tapering segments, each of which is a deep to yellowish green, to a grayish green or even bluish gray, often with a thin red margin. Each leaf is carried on a 6-to-8 foot-long petiole.
The palm grows fastest in full sun and has better leaf color there. It needs a perfectly draining medium. The palm is drought tolerant but grows faster and bigger with regular and adequate moisture. Transplanting is best done with container grown plants.
Because of its dimensions and beauty, the Bismarck palm is wonderful as an isolated specimen surrounded by space.
There are essentially two species we have.
Bismarckia nobilis(Silver Bismarck Palm) a native of Madagascar.
Bismarckia nobilis (Mayotte) Green Bismarck palm,a native of the Mayotte island off the coast of Madagascar.